Running a business can be extremely exciting and rewarding.  Although, on the way to building one’s own business there are certain precautions that one should take to protect their profits and their dream.

The first obstacle one should be mindful of is proper navigation of all BIR regulations.  This is a simple step that most businesses in the Philippines get wrong.  Not knowing how to properly navigate BIR obstacles can lead to audits, penalties, encounters with corrupt BIR agents, and leave your business and your investment prospects vulnerable.
Below we have outlined our Easy Guide to avoiding BIR penalties for businesses.  By following these steps you can protect yourself and your business from a wide range of possible BIR penalties, easing your mind and allowing you to focus your attention where it should be, the growth of your business.  

  1. Register your business before starting operation. Obtain proper registration whether as a VAT registered or a non-VAT registered taxpayer.
  2. Pay and display your Annual Registration return (BIR Form 0605).

Nulla consectetur maximus turpis a egestas. Mauris efficitur, ante non bibendum eleifend, diam massa varius ex, non vestibulum risus metus in eros. Proin eu urna vitae ex feugiat interdum. Nunc vel auctor nisi.

Nulla in tristique nibh. Phasellus porttitor leo id risus cursus. Aliquam tincidunt rutrum ante, eu vestibulum elit phare.

Richard Simms Founder

Cras consectetur tristi dictum

Sed tincidunt tempor leo, vitae consequat lorem ornare ultricies. Nullam fringilla ultricies pharetra. Aliquam suscipit leo vel est fringilla laoreet in eget lorem. Proin non rhoncus nulla. Pellentesque porta nunc pretium, scelerisque justo a, tincidunt tellus. Mauris eu dictum mi. Vivamus non finibus ligula.

Vivamus mollis, est ut ornare hendrerit, turpis mauris eleifend nunc, a rhoncus felis arcu cursus turpis.

Sed tincidunt tempor leo, vitae consequat lorem ornare ultricies. Nullam fringilla ultricies pharetra. Aliquam suscipit leo vel est fringilla laoreet in eget lorem. Proin non rhoncus nulla. Pellentesque porta nunc pretium, scelerisque justo a, tincidunt tellus. Mauris eu dictum mi. Vivamus non finibus ligula.

Quisque in placerat nunc, vitae tincidunt quam. In molestie fringilla massa sed eleifend. Praesent sollicitudin massa ut leo dignissim auctor. Vivamus ut libero vitae odio pellentesque tempor sit amet at felis.

  • Proin ullamcorper eleifend ornare vel augue
  • Fusce finibu tincidu fermentum blandit
  • Vestibulum ante ipsum fames in faucibus

Aenean eu metus at dolor sodales dictum quis rhoncus nisi.

Nulla consectetur maximus turpis a egestas. Mauris efficitur, ante non bibendum eleifend, diam massa varius ex, non vestibulum risus metus in eros.

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Aliquam dictum amet blandit efficitur.